This lovely Art inspired wedding at PRISTON MILL near Bath was one I shot back in summer last year with the lovely GILL TAYLOR.
It is so great to have photographer friends and to be able to help each other out at times. Gill came with me to shoot a wedding in Ireland and so we decided to do a bit of a shoot swap and I would assist her for Kirsty and Richard’s wedding near Bath. I am happy to count Gill as a good friend who I know I can rely on and who I would help out at the drop of a hat should the need arise.
I love the way that Kirsty personalised her wedding with details relating to her own profession as an Art teacher and the couple’s shared love of all things artistic. From the bunting to the table details and little art box for gift cards… love it!
PRISTON MILL was featured on an episode of Don’t Tell The Bride around a week or so after we shot there. It was great to see the venue on TV after having shot this wedding there!
Some Behind the Scenes shots… here is GILL TAYLOR getting the correct angle for the shot…
And one that Gill took of me in the field along with the video guys, who where a complete hoot on the day!
Wedding Photography at Priston Mill in Bath
I can’t wait to hear about your wedding CONTACT ME!